Just two kids in love who decided to hop, skip, and jet away to this rock we call Big Island ♥ ♥ ♥

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Aloha! It is a BEAUTIFUL, sunny Sunday. 
This week has been weird.
My impingement syndrome in my left shoulder has come back these last few months with a vengeance. Tim has been so sick of listening to me complain that he told me he wouldn't feel sorry for me any longer unless I would go see a doctor. But I've seen three doctors!!!! PLUS had x-rays, PLUS had physical therapy, PLUS had cortisone/ steroid shots!!!! I told him all of this. He did not care.

Eventually, you begin to lose faith in doctors. Honestly, I feel like they just threw those two words at me (impingement syndrome) a few years ago to give me something to call the chronic pain so they could just send me on my way.

But alas, I went to see yet another doctor. Before you get excited however, she did not give me some special potion to be cured (unless you consider muscle relaxers a special potion). She took one look at my posture and said my shoulder is way elevated and turned in. I sure don't see that when I look into a mirror. Tim says he's always seen that (uh-huh). She said my neck is having major spasms and pulling the tendon in my shoulder... (duh, that's I.S.)

Basically, it's A. take care of this situation like RIGHT NOW or B. Have surgery in a few years when I can no longer move my left arm, or C. Become the hunchback of Mountain View when I'm older.

 I have officially been placed on leave to try and catch a fast track to healsville. That would be heals-land. I've been ordered to get acupuncture and massage therapy twice a week for six weeks (who can afford that??!)... I'm gonna try for once a week...

I've also been prescribed muscle relaxers and high dose ib profun for when I have "episodes". Oh, and I have one of those big bouncy exercise balls to lay on to try to open my pectorals. No joke.

SO what am I doing with this free time, pray tell? (although in my world free time still includes rehearsal and school every day and I will be working 5x a week at the middle school instead of 2x a week while on leave from the restaurant, aka my money maker). Well, right now I'm making the cast members this.... and last night I began learning this.

so there's an update for ya.

1 comment:

  1. 1. those balls are AMAZING. we use them in pilates (thats how I finally got my backbend) and my back (especially my upper shoulders/back/where i hold the most tension) have never felt better. I'm hooked on them. I hope it helps you as much as mine does.

    Two. (my numeral two key doesn't work. THANKS BINKA! : you're going to try acupuncture??!?!! I'm *almost* ready to do it as well and I've been calling around and found out that a couple of places in arcata do community acupuncture (where they do a bunch of people at once in the same room for 1/4 the cost). So you might look into the community thing. Do you read the Free People Blog? One of their interns has been going to a community acupuncturist and is writing up her experience and it's been really inspiring.

    3. Yah, your posture blows. You slouch like a a mo'fo, Fix it now before you end up like Nate's gramma and your face breathes in vagina all day long. No one wants that.

    4. It's kind of extreme but have you ever considered an anti-inflammatory diet? It really, really, REALLY helped my hand/wrist/arm pain. If you're going to try all the things you could give it a shot...

    5. More hilarious Tim Jammy pics plz.


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