Just two kids in love who decided to hop, skip, and jet away to this rock we call Big Island ♥ ♥ ♥

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I'm slowly beginning to feel normal again... although I haven't been able to totally decompress yet, as I've been stage manager this week for the University's Spring Show, 'Haunt'. And if you know me, you know that I HATE doing tech. Hate it hate hate it. But when the schools tech director comes up to you and says, "Nicole, you're stage managing 'Haunt'", you really can't argue. Especially when I'm getting a credit for it. Alas, one more show to go and I'm FREEEEEEEEE.... 3 more weeks to go and I'm FREEEEEEEE from school altogether!!!!!! Just one more performance (my choir, where I will be one of six out of many wearing a special Graduation lei-wooooohoo), I can almost smell summer. Oh wait, it's like 80 degrees right now, I guess it's always summer.


cough:: present idea, cough:: I seriously think I need one of these for Tim and I. Not like I ever send out mail, but this is SO STINKIN CUTE... Lilmandrill's Etsy Shop
She's made so many of these since it blew up on Pinterest, she's backed up 3 months, so uh... go ahead and order one for me now, k? :)

 I tried Martha Stewart's idea of using a marshmallow as cupcake frosting...

What she forgot to say, was- Don't cut marshmallows in half and use on mini cupcakes...FAIL. They slide right off... Also, is anyone else super sad that her magazine 'Whole Living' ceased publication? I JUST ordered a subscription in December... sad... new clean eating magazine recommendations please! I'm lookin' at you Shelly!

 A reeeaaally good dinner Tim made last week: jalapeño cowboy bacon, roasted cauliflower and rainbow chard. YUM.

And another awesome dinner (and discovery, sort of), roasted broccoli and furikake encrusted ahi. Since buying our first jar of furikake, my life has changed. I want it on everything! Rice, fish, steak, veggies, maybe even in my coffee. Okay, gross, just kidding. But it is YUMMY. And since everyone here puts it on everything, you can find a million different kinds. Word.


  1. I was super bummed about that magazine- I do have about two years worth of back issues though! Oh man, I totally remember the Hawiian furikake sections... so many different kinds... we were smitten. I think we bought a couple for mom and tim. The co-op has been selling furikake style blends made from local seaweed. My favorite is the seaweed sprinkle- nori, sea lettuce and toasted seasame seeds. sooooo good on roasted kale. And everything else ever. You totally have to keep them away from the cats though!

  2. Ooh and for a mag suggestion... I think vegetarian times is the closest. The recipes are pretty similar and they have about the same number of educational articles. They're missing the home and beauty sections though. =(

  3. hahha! well, i guess it's fine as long as they taste good! following you now - you have an interesting blog x


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