Just two kids in love who decided to hop, skip, and jet away to this rock we call Big Island ♥ ♥ ♥

Thursday, December 13, 2012


This semester is finally OVER!!!!! I literally just walked out of my stage tech final ten minutes ago (I think I did well). Tim's farm class (or whatever it's called, I just call it 'nicole gets lots of free veggies') is also over. He brought home SO MUCH FOOD. I mean pounds and pounds of corn, green beans, soy beans, radishes, basil, beets, lettuce, on and on and on... I cooked up a giant batch of green beans for one my theater potlucks. They were a success. YUM.

This week, we also went to a 'that ain't right' christmas work party. We arrived wrapped in justin beieber (who ain't right) wrapping paper, and when you opened us up, weird crunchy asian shrimp-mayo wrapped snacks fell out. Those are DEFINITELY NOT RIGHT... although Tim thought they were delicious and ate them till he got sick.

 Last week, we went to the UH Jazz Orchestra's Blues Brother tribute. It was super fun... what wasn't fun? Having to strike the set for tech class until midnight.


Rich sent us this photo of him and Amy at Halloween and I could not resist posting it. Adorbs.

1 comment:

Happy you found me! Make sure to include your blog so I can find you too!! Aloha!

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